• Biography

    Professor Charles W. W. Ng is the Vice-President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Guangzhou campus. He is also the Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, CLP Holdings Professor of Sustainability at HKUST. Professor Ng is Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK.

    Professor Ng has supervised more than 70 PhD and 60 MPhil students with 23 nationalities to graduation. He has received a number of awards including the 2022 Varnes Medal from the International Consortium on Landslides, the 2017 Telford Premium Prize from the Institution of Civil Engineers, and the R. M. Quigley Award from the Canadian Geotechnical Society three times in 2007, 2012 & 2016. In China, he received the prestigious 2022 HLHL Scientific and Technological Advancement Award Progress (何梁何利基金科學與技術進步獎). He was also a recipient of the 2020 National Natural Science Award (中國國家2020年度自然科學奖), the 2015 Scientific Technological Advancement Award (中國國家2015年度科技進步獎) by the State Council of China.


  • Tentative Title

    Hydro-mechanical behaviour of vegetated soil slope: theoretical and experimental studies

  • Presentation Abstract

    To be confirmed...